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Lose weight with Elevate Nutrition Program

Lose weight with the

Elevate Nutrition Program
Dietitian-led nutrition program with pre-made meals delivered that effectively help you lose 4-5kgs per month.

Why it works

The Elevate Nutrition program is based on the innovative Healthy Ketogenic Diet concept, developed by Dr Lim Su Lin, the chief dietitian at the NUH National University Hospital in Singapore. The key feature of the diet is keeping to a net carbohydrate level of 50g or less a day to induce ketosis, where stored fat (instead of glucose) is broken down to provide energy. Dr. Lim has collaborated with our meal service provider to develop a range of healthy ketogenic and ready-to-eat frozen meals which are calorie-calibrated and curated to keep you full and satisfied between meals. By combining the meals with dietitian teleconsultations, patients can expect rapid and sustainable weight loss.

Enter your current weight
(in kgs)
Weight you could lose
(in kgs)

How it works

Get the tools and support you need to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Get the tools and support you need to achieve sustainable weight loss.

Dietitian Coaching

Speak with your diet coach every week to discuss your results and make adjustments.

Dietitian Coaching

Speak with your diet coach every week to discuss your results and make adjustments.

Weight Loss Meals Delivered

Weight Loss Meals Delivered

Delicious, dietitian-crafted meals delivered conveniently to your doorstep each week.

Weight Loss Meals Delivered

Delicious, dietitian-crafted meals delivered conveniently to your doorstep each week.

Weight Loss Progress Tracking

Progress Tracking

Track your progress and review your results with your dietitian to maximize progress.

Mobile - Progress Tracking - rv02

Progress Tracking

Track your progress and review your results with your dietitian to maximize progress.

Get started on your weight loss journey in 3 simple steps
Get started on your metabolic health journey in 3 steps
Elevate - Weight Loss Journey
Elevate - Weight Loss Journey
Step 1
Meal Selection
Fill up a short medical questionnaire, select a program commitment (4, 8, 12 or 16 weeks) and choose your preferred meals.
Step 2
Program Kickoff
Attend a teleconsultation with our dietitian to set the foundations of the program. Receive your first week of meals and start tracking your progress through a journey diary.
Step 3
Optimization Consults
Attend weekly calls with your assigned dietitian to track your progress and make modifications to your diet along the way based on your progress.
Still unsure? Book a callback with our care team to learn more and get your questions answered
Long-term weight loss from the comfort of your home

*weight loss estimates are based on case studies of past program participants. Individual results may vary.

Choose from a range of delicious options

Select from a variety of 18 local and international dishes carefully crafted in collaboration with dietitians.

Select from a variety of 18 local and international dishes carefully crafted in collaboration with dietitians.

Discover your metabolism and lose weight for good

1 Week Trial

$379 / per package
  • Expected weight loss: 1-2kgs
  • Package includes:
  • 1 trial dietician consult
  • 1 phone call with a dietitian
  • 2 meals/day x 1 week
  • Journey diary to track progress

4 Weeks Plan

$365 / per week
  • Expected weight loss: 4-5kgs
  • Package includes:
  • One 60-min dietitian consult
  • Weekly 15-min dietitian calls
  • 2 meals/day x 4 weeks
  • Journey diary to track progress

12 Weeks Plan

$347 / per week
  • Expected weight loss: 16kgs
  • Package includes:
  • Three 60-min dietitian consult
  • Weekly 15-min dietitian calls
  • 2 meals/day x 12 weeks
  • Journey diary to track progress

16 Weeks Plan

$338 / per week
  • Expected weight loss: 20kgs
  • Package includes:
  • Four 60-min dietitian consult
  • Weekly 15-min dietitian calls
  • 2 meals/day x 16 weeks
  • Journey diary to track progress